Thursday, January 03, 2008

ngomel pagi

hari ni sampai awal.kul 7.45 dh ade kat bgnan the mall nih. ingatkan jalan dh jem balik, sebab cuti skolah dh abis. tp cam ok je lagi td. maybe esok kot. arini agaknye ramai yg cuti nk anto anak2 g skolah. kak shery pon cuti 2 hari dh ni. rina nk skolah dah. yazid pon cuti sehari. fuzain pon. smlm dh kabo nk cuti. mm. cmtu la kot bile dh ade anak2 ye. nk kene nganto gi skolah, bayo2 yuran. yg takde anak lg ni? bekojo lah kito, sekueknyoo bekojo bekojo..huhu.
hari ade rase x puas hati. tp rasenye bendenye kecik je. x perlu diperbesar2kan. tp yelah, kurg puas ati.huhuh. harap2, by the end of the day, i'd forget all 'bout it. leceh laa bile jd cmni. nk enjoy pon xleh. jd susah ati je.cih. semalam penat je tnggu si din online. berapi2 ckp kul 8. dah la tenet bengong. nk tuko maxis la plak. streamyx's already losing its credibility and popularity, i think. they have become complacent, thinking that they're the only sole provider of broadband internet in the country. well guess what, not for long suckers! celcom n maxis are catching up. they better wake up or they'll face similar situation like MAS, once who thought that they're the only major player in airline industry in this country. Air Asia is much2 better now..
ummi dh dtg balik keje ni. tp x g la bekpes ngn die arini. malas plak rasenye. tah nape tah die cuti smalam. ade la tu kot. arini nk siapkan report Jedok tuh. iee nana ngn khairil dpt gi s.petani. nk pegi gak.huhuhuhuhuh. kak marini x bagi, sbb jedok ni punye psl la ni. aaii. klu sempat siap minggu ni pon, rasenye x leh gi gak la kot. takkan nk pegi 3 org plak.huhu. xpe lah, mungkin ade rezeki lain kali..
hmmm..rase nk call tgku bhaiya la plak.lame x sembang ngn die.k lah, ni je kot arini.aku dh tahap bosan dan...tah la. hm..